
Everything on this site is our words and our words only. We do not represent our current employers

We like sports and we don’t care who knows. There’s really not much to say about us. We are just two guys who need to somewhere to throw our ideas and opinions. Rory has moved to Pheonix, Arizona recently but Steve is still in Galway…living the dream. We are both Violently opinionated and turned on by watching cat videos on YouTube. Currently hatless, I repeat: “Hatless”

City Fathers Junior Vice President

“Sometimes mistaken for Brad Pitt, often mistaken for the puppet from ALF. Rory is the kind of guy you don’t even have to meet to hate, he’s got this incredible talent for pissing you off with just his words or even his presence on this earth. At 5ft 10 the stacks of hate mail and death threats at his door each day tower much higher than the man himself and by man I mean boy because although well into his twenties his under developed 10 year old like body is too laughable for him to be considered a man. Once affiliated with the Occupy Galway movement he was kicked out of the camp for and I quote “Being too much of a cunt and trying to warm his nether regions in the other guys protest beards” One things for sure he’s a despicable prick and I hate the guy.” – God

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Co-Junior Vice President and 3rd Floor Janitor.

The other half of the blogging power that is The City Fathers is a quiet reserved gentleman and known to locals as “himself”. Steve regularly commits acts of unspeakable horror and shows no remorse. After a drunken rage Steve had to be consoled by loved ones after the baby Seal he was clubbing lived. He maintains the seal was giving him the look but he was drinking while on painkillers. To sum this man up in human words is impossible. Word has it that lads on Mars call him Stehjxsajkitdhklip which means “a whore for controversy”.

Other than that he’s a stand up guy. He washes his hair 5-6 times a day and once gave a homeless man the remainder of a mars bar. His fears include Nazis atop dinosaurs and homeless people expecting mars bars everyday. Usually found in smoking areas laughing at rugby types.

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The City Fathers doing what they do best…drinking.


From time to time people look at The City Fathers and think “I can do that as well as those handsome devils!”.

Now obviously they are wrong but we like to amuse ourselves by letting them try…so this lad may appear from time to time. Now this guest spot may only happen once but we feel we should introduce him anyway.

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Guest Blogger Paul

Paul is an old friend and work colleague of ours. He moved to Canada nearly a year ago in search of treasure. We celebrated wildly but deep down we knew that one day we would grow to miss his hilariously angry rants. We thought it would be a good idea to get the deranged opinions of an Irishman living in Canada, why not?

Paul would describe himself as “A ruggedly good looking man, witty and a fan of sweaters knotted around his shoulders and staring at himself while his curly locks shine in the sun like spun gold” whereas Rory and Steve would describe him as “delusional”.

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Guest Blogger Scarlet Pumpernickle

That is the only image we have for this mysterious genius. We have absolutely no idea who he is. Rory found a poorly scribbled blog entry in a basket outside the front gates of City Fathers Towers one evening while he was paying strangers to kiss and we posted it. We have drawn up a contract for him/her to sign but the last known address is “Parts Unknown”. Any ideas?

2 Responses to About

  1. Meyer Goode-O'Rilley says:

    I have just ran across your blog and I am impressed. From a huge “American” Irish clan, I find that your attitude towards life and love to be near spot on to my kin. I did have a great laugh about the advice on dating. Nuggets of truth? Maybe….but, as a woman, I simply had to smile. A modern woman can spot a line of sheit before you walk in the pub door, boyos. So, may I give you some friendly advice? Just be yourself. Even if you end up with a drink in your face from one girl, another sitting across the bar will most likely bring you a towel in which to dry off. OH, and the best place to meet a girl is mass on Sunday morning. All of the best catholic girls, after a Saturday night out, pull ourselves together and head to church with our moms and grandies. You will impress her with your commitment to our faith, and you will get a look at what she will look like in 20 or so years. Not hard to suss out. Besides, if you can’t get the girl you want, her mom might just be interested. The best of luck to you boys. I look forward to reading more in the future! Meyer O’Rilley

    Post Script: Rory: Arizona is hotter than hell most of the year, but it is a dry heat. Try the deep south and then let’s have a talk about how hot it can get.

  2. Michael O'Sullivan says:

    B’yes, yer shite is fairly funny. Except Rory seems to have let america influence his style too much. I suppose a self proclaimed prick might have that comment coming…

    Go raibh mile,

    A half-drunk Canadian tryin’ too hard to write like a fully drunk Irishman on a Saturday night.

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